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Starting the Project

  • Run git pull skeleton main to get the latest version of the skeleton code for this lab.
  • Open the proj0/ folder in your preferred text editor.
  • Open the proj0/ folder in your preferred terminal.

Running the Starter Code

In this project, the game logic has already been implemented: you can view it in src/ The game is played between two “players”: a guesser and a chooser. In the following portions of this project, you’ll be implementing several AI choosers and guessers.

If you run cargo run, you can play the game. Currently, the game uses ConsoleGuesser, which uses input from the keyboard as the guess, and CheeseChooser, which always chooses the word “cheese”. Neither of these two are very good at the game, so we need to implement better players.

Guesser: LetterFrequencyGuesser

LetterFrequencyGuesser is an AI that will play the “guesser” role. Its strategy is very simple: it will guess the most common letter that hasn’t been guessed yet.

  • First, fill in the freq_map function in src/guessers/ This function should take in a list of words and return the counts for each letter. For example, if the input is ["i", "like", "cheese"], it should return {c:1, e:4, h:1, i:2, k:1, l:1, s:1}.
  • Once you have filled in the freq_map function, use it to implement LetterFreqGuesser in src/guessers/ The guess function should return the most common letter that doesn’t appear in guesses. If there are ties, return the letter that comes first alphabetically. For example, if the frequency map is {a:2, b:3, d:2, e:7, f:3} and guesses is ['d', 'e'], it should return 'b'.
  • Run cargo test letter to test your code.
  • In the main function in src/, replace ConsoleGuesser with LetterFrequencyGuesser. Run the game with cargo run. How well does LetterFrequencyGuesser do against the CheeseChooser?

Guesser: PatternAwareLFG

The LetterFrequencyGuesser disregards a lot of important information: specifically, it doesn’t make use of pattern, which tells the guesser which letters match the word. The PatternAwareLFG is an AI that uses pattern to narrow down the list of words.

For example, if the possible words are ["broth", "curry", "dough", "cones", "cakes", "pesto"], and the pattern is "-o---", the only words that match that pattern are ["dough", "cones"]. The frequency map should now be {c:1, d:1, e:1, g:1, h:1, n:1, o:2, s:1, u:1}, since we only need to consider those two words.

Don’t worry about “extra” letters: for example, "cheese" should match the pattern "----e", even though "cheese" has extra 'e's. The “extra” letters will be handled by the PatternAndGuessAwareLFG.

  • Implement PatternAwareLFG in src/guessers/ It should operate very similarly to LetterFreqGuesser, except it should only consider words that match the given pattern.
  • Run cargo test pattern to test your code.
  • In the main function in src/, replace LetterFrequencyGuesser with PatternAwareLFG. Run the game with cargo run. How well does PatternAwareLFG do against the CheeseChooser?

Guesser: PatternAndGuessAwareLFG

The PatternAwareLFG is fairly good at the game, but it can still be improved. For example, suppose the first guess was 'e', and the word had no 'e' in it. The pattern would be -----, which seems to provide no useful information. However, this tells us that the word has no 'e's, which can actually be used to narrow down the list significantly: from ["broth", "curry", "dough", "cones", "cakes", "pesto"] to just ["broth", "curry", "dough"].

  • Implement PagaLFG (which stands for “Pattern and Guess Aware Letter Frequency Guesser”) in src/guessers/ It should filter down the list of words using the pattern and guesses, and then return the most common letter in the remaining words.
  • Run cargo test paga to test your code.
  • In the main function in src/, replace PatternAwareLFG with PagaLFG. Run the game with cargo run. How well does PagaLFG do against the CheeseChooser?

Chooser: RandomChooser

The main flaw of CheeseChooser is that it is very, very predictable. This isn’t very fun to play against, so let’s make a better chooser.

RandomChooser should randomly select a word from the given list to be the secret word, and it should store the currently revealed pattern. The make_guess function should reveal all letters matching the input guess, returning how many letters were revealed. For example, if the secret word is "curry", the current pattern is "c----", and the guess is 'r', the pattern should be updated to "c-rr-", and it should return 2.

Implement RandomChooser in src/choosers/, then run the tests with cargo test random. Once it works, replace CheeseChooser in main with RandomChooser. How well does it do against the AI guessers?

Chooser: EvilChooser

RandomChooser is lawful neutral: it picks a word, then honestly represents it while the guesser tries to guess all the letters in the word. In contrast, EvilChooser will be chaotic evil: rather than picking a word, it will pretend to pick a word, then try to dodge the guesser’s guesses as much as possible.

For example, if the possible words are ["broth", "curry", "dough", "cones", "pesto"], and the first guess is “o”, the chooser has 4 options:

  • it can reveal the pattern "-----", which matches the word "curry".
  • it can reveal the pattern "-o---", which matches the words "dough" and "cones".
  • it can reveal the pattern "--o--", which matches the word "broth".
  • it can reveal the pattern "----o", which matches the word "pesto".

In order to keep its options open, the EvilChooser should reveal the pattern "-o---", which narrows the word list down to ["dough", "cones"]. This allow the EvilChooser to delay picking a word for another turn, forcing the guesser to spend another guess to figure out what the word is. If EvilChooser chose any of the other options, a good guesser like PatternAndGuessAwareLFG would be able to tell exactly what the word is.

In general, the EvilChooser should always reveal the pattern with the highest number of matching words, then pare the word list down to only the words that match the pattern.

Some miscellaneous details:

  • in the new method, you can assume that possible_words is non-empty, and that all the words have the same length.
  • If there’s a tie between two patterns, the EvilChooser should choose the pattern that comes first alphabetically.
  • Since the EvilChooser always has a list of possible words, get_word should just return the first word in the list.

Implement EvilChooser in src/choosers/, then run the tests with cargo test evil. Once it works, replace RandomChooser in main with EvilChooser. How well does it do against the AI guessers?