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Starting the Lab

  • Open the lab08/ folder in your preferred text editor.
  • Open the lab08/ folder in your preferred terminal.
  • Run git pull skeleton main to get the latest version of the skeleton code for this lab.

Implementing MyHashMap

Today, you’ll be implementing your very own hashmap. Specifically, your hashmap will be an external chaining hashmap, using a bucketing scheme. In this scheme, the hashmap stores a list of buckets. Each “bucket” is a Vec<(K, V)> that stores all the key-value pairs corresponding to a specific hash code (modulo the list length).

Implement MyHashMap<K, V> in The MyHashMap type should implement the Map61B trait as following:

impl<K: Hash + Eq, V> Map61B for MyHashMap<K, V> { ... }

You are required to implement the following methods:

  • new
  • len
  • clear
  • contains_key
  • insert
  • get
  • get_mut

The following methods are optional. If you don’t implement them, just replace their bodies with unimplemented!():

  • remove
  • into_iter (from the IntoIterator trait). If you don’t plan on implementing this, you can use std::vec::IntoIter<(K, V)> as a placeholder for the trait’s IntoIter type.

Once you are finished, you can test the required methods with cargo test map. To test the optional methods as well, run cargo test.

Benchmarking your Implementation

Run the interactive benchmarks with cargo run --release. Experiment with different loading factors: can you improve the performance of MyHashMap? What about the other hashmaps implementations?